lauantai 25. tammikuuta 2014

Blogging in English + shoes

So at first: I decided to begin to write my blog in English so even more people would be able to read my stuff. I hope the older followers of mine don't mind ^^ + I want to improve my English.

Second thing, apologies. Christmas is past, Chibicon is past, almost whole January is past without any blogging from me. I was about to write small text about Chibicon last year but well... I sorta forgot and now it would be hard to write anything about it. Well what can I say. It was nice con for the size of con.

I have got more stuff for my cosplay, the final prints for blazer and coat. I finally managed to find white cloth that would be enough thick and warm for a coat! I had searched such cloth for months since Autumn and now after Christmas they had started to sell wool mixes for coats in local clothstore. I have also bought gloves I must fix a little, then print the patterns on them. The collar shirt was a little disappointment. I bought one with small buttons on collar that looked perfect for my cosplay and somewhat my size. Well, at home I noticed I had imagined my body twice bigger. I had to search some tutorials about making collar shirts smaller and more fitting, then sew it smaller after cutting pieces off from the sides and sleeves. Well, it doesn't look professional tailored but at least it will work under the vest and blazer. No one shall ever know~ so shh.

Well, I finally found right kind of shoes after months of search in flea markets. Black, a bit worn leather shoes just for few euros. Model of the shoes is close to the shoes of the character and fit for autumn / winter outfit of his. I am sure there would have been better kind of shoes out there but there is light problem... Why most of women shoes, any kind must have some damn high heel???!!!! This was one of the lowest heeled shoes I could find... and fit in my feet. I would have no problem with buying men shoes but I have got very small foot and all sold men shoes were huge... huge.
Sadly, finding the shoes needed a sacrifice. One of my mittens vanished totally in the flea market. I know it wouldn't be impossible to loose a piece of cloth in flea market. But the one I was in was very very tiny one. 4 shelves + wall shelves and most of the tables weren't full of stuff. So I would have noticed my mitten if I had placed it on one of the tables or if it was laying somewhere on the floor. I searched everywhere, under the tables and shelves, on the tables, between items on the tables... totally everywhere, for an hour. Even the shop keeper assisted me and we couldn't find it. Probably someone had taken it but what anyone would do with a single mitten? I didn't lost it outside the building because I always take off my hat and mittens inside. It was very cold day, I had to give up searching and walk home my hands stuffed into my pockets.

But back at the shoes. So the colour was wrong. I had to paint them from black into white. I ended up in acrylicpaint because leather paint would have cost me extra. After all, acrylics do work well even though at first I was a little suspicious would the colour stay on the leather without cracking. It actually doesn't if you have patience while painting. You gotta paint many thin layers and wait till the under layer is dry. I am pretty pleased for what I managed to do with my cheap white acrylepaint and soft brush.

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